Spindeltråd (Spider threads)
Analog experiments and investigation into digital technology
IN PROCESS – Experiments and errors
> residency period 19.10-25.10.2020
> residency period 01.03-14.03.2021
Genre: performance/shadow theatre
Worksharing at S/H:
25.10.2020, 14:00-15:30
The artistic research
During the residency I want to investigate the relationship between binary technology and weaving, as part of a bigger question about how the digital technology could be defined by curiosity and inclusivity instead of commerce and surveillance. I want to plunge into binary matters and associate freely around dualities, cellular automata (mathematics), the history of information, punched cards, etc...
To visualise this immaterial and virtual technology I want to make use of a weaving technique with punched cards; the same technique that was used to build the first computers. A special role will be given the spider, the archetypal weaver. She will serve as a metaphor for a technology that doesn’t let itself be domesticated for profit-oriented purposes.
Photo: Morten Arnfred, Good Place Production
The artist
The work of Oona Libens (Sweden/Belgium) is mostly light and shadow based and combines science and technology with a poetic visual language into almost-puppet, almostcinema performances.
Read more about Oona Libens > here
IN PROCESS is HAUT's residency format for artistic development, where artists are given a payed opportunity to immerse themselves in the process of their work.
The artistic research "Spindeltråd" (Spider threads) by Oona Libens has been invited to be part of the residency format through the open call "IN PROCESS - Experiments and errors" curated by Naja Lee Jensen and Christian Skovbjerg Jensen.
The residency falls into two parts. The first part is a one week residency at HAUT in Copenhagen (October 2020). The other part is a one week residency at Inters Arts Center in Malmö (March 2021). Both residency periods end with a public sharing and moderated feedback.
IN PROCESS - Experiments and errors is a part of the program HAUT AND … in season 20/21. The program is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.
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