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Laboured Luxury

Tracing the changes of human activity, as an ode to the past, present and future. 



 Interdisciplinary performance research that merges voice and dance. 

Date: March 17th 2024
Time: 2:00-4:00PM
Place: Kinéo 37, Lindealle 37 4500 Nykøbing Sjælland

Participation in the event is FREE, but please reserve your spot as seats are limited – you can book a ticket right here:

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The artistic research

Join us at Kinéo 37 in Odsherred for this WORKSHARING with Alice Presencer, where she will share findings from her weeklong IN PROCESS residency immersed in the artistic research “Laboured Luxury”. 

In the work with “Laboured Luxury” Alice engages with the experiences of a place by deepening her knowledge of the human activity within the area as it has changed over time. With this, she puts emphasis on the contrasting expressions of ‘luxury’ and ‘labour’ to create interdisciplinary compositions that merge voice and movement.

She will research a place where the hauntings of activity have morphed over time; a market town, industrialised fishing harbour and now, a special somewhere for seaside summers. The roughness and ruggedness of what was contrasts to the luxurious leisurely activities of today. Through contemplative sound and gesture, she hope to tell a tale of the many impressions of the area.

Following the sharing of physical material, HAUT will facilitate a moderated feedback conversation where you as an audience have the opportunity to contribute to and enrich the artists' further work.

Photographer Louise Herrche Serup

Alice Presencer (she/her) is a performing artist and performance maker whose work is situated within voice and dance practices. Her artistic endeavors span across various disciplines, including singing, dancing, performing, filmmaking, and choreography. Through the merging of different artistic practices, she strives to encourage the contemplation of accepted norms within emotional expression.

Link to website


About this residency

IN PROCESS is HAUT’s one week residency format that makes space for physical brainstorms supporting the investigation and the development of new ideas for the stage.

Alice Presencer has been invited in this residency through the open call “IN PROCESS – Entangled”, whose focus was on the encounter between an artistic practice and the local context of Odsherred. The open call was curated in collaboration with Kinéo 37.

This residency is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen.