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AN HOUR WITH: Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed

Decentralized, digital performance laboratory – making it possible to perform across time and space


Genre: Conversation that immerses the audience in an artist’s practice

Date: February 1st
Time: 10:00-11:00AM
Place: HAUT, Lygten 39, 2400 Kbh NV

The event is free, but please reserve your spot so we know how much coffee to brew. You can book your spot right here:

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With the performance installation "every time I try to move" as the starting point, Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed will host a conversation about the decentralized, digital performance laboratory, - where performances take place across time and space. 

"every time I try to move" met an audience for the first time at YC FESTIVAL in November 2023 and was co-created by Mouayed Ghazouani, Ahmed Ben Abid, Jazbo Gross and Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed. The work connected the physical theatre building with the the digital theatrebuilding through live stream elements and scripts unfolding on the phones of the audience. arose from a desire from the performance artists to meet and work together despite socio economic obstacles and it is today rooted in North Africa, South America and Europe, and open for new members.



Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed lives and works in a field between writing, performance arts and stage directing. She graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2020 and was the artistic director of Momentum Theatre in season 21/22. Through Forlaget Korridor, she published, Dominique in 2015 and The Alexander Trilogy – a Performance Essay in Three Acts in 2019. She collaborates amongst others with Hosting Lands, Tårnby Park Studio and Rønnebæksholm kunsthal. She is a part of


An hour of informal conversation, which provides space for short or intense immersion in an artistry or an artistic practice. It is an opportunity to meet artists in an informal setting and gain insight into knowledge that is usually only available to the people who are part of the work process.