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A soft lament to the voice of self-critique through a trance landscape of watery paper, light and dissolving body. 

Eksil: Dance and choreography
Work-in-progress showing at Åbne Scene, Aarhus 12.12.2019 at 17:00

Photos: Vilde Livsdatter

Lowlands is a soft lament to the voice of self-critique. Tumbling into the space after sadness and catching the inner voice of judgement, it shapes a dream-like trance that lulls and endures. Images emerge through the watery tissue of the work, evoking a body falling apart and gathering itself together again, a body at sea and a body on a patchwork of waves. Lowlands is about the aesthetics of perceived inadequacy, the common fear of lack of creativity, and the anxiety of production. It constructs a blue world where the fragility of these emotions are contained with care, creating ripples of paper and painterly images.


Artistic team

Emilia Gasiorek is a dancer and choreographer based in Copenhagen. She works through feminism and esoteric practices, exploring the notion of circlusion and space of imagination. Through her work with Danseatelier she researches into rhizomatic structures and curatorial practices. She has worked with artists including two-woman-machine-show, Jonathan Bonnici and Yvonne Rainer.

Emma-Cecilia Ajanki is a dancer, teacher and choreographer living in Malmö, Sweden. Through her practice she explores the potential of pleasure, fantasy and imagination as tools for making performance and dance.

Lea Paulsen has a background in architecture and a passion for textiles. Combining skills and knowledge from both fields she currently works with site specific textiles installations and set design. Her practice centres around textile as a soft and dynamic manifestation, rendering new spatial experiences and linking art and architecture.



Choreography and performance: Emilia Gasiorek 
Mentor: Emma-Cecilia Ajanki
Scenographic and costume collaborator: Lea Paulsen

Lowlands is supported by Statens Kunstfond and Københavns Kommune