DIS' BODY: Poetics of Self-Aesthetics
We explore performance protocols based on choreographic self-aesthetics that inform us of localized intersections within queerness and transness, multitudes of body, the poetic and erotic and spiritual.
Format: Pop Up Residency
Genre: Interdisciplinary multimedia performance
Residency at Indre By Kulturhus

The artistic research
The community-based artistic project centres a framework for exploring the aesthetics of racialized queerness/transness within multitudes of being, that is, producing live and video performance protocols. In these, we invite bodies to engage in a process of choreographic attunement in which the body engages with the poetic and the sensuous, creating its own personal aesthetics from repetitive impulses. These impulses are previously localized and situated within the search for the limbo of the dissident, racialized queer body within the everyday body. Such become consciously activated through repetitive and continuous movement, tics, gestures of self-affection or modes of (un)safety within the body and even expanded or modified through extensions (technological or surgical) resulting in repertoires of self-presenting and carrying oneself.
Photo: Jesper Tønnes
About the artists – OXUM: Sall Lam Toro & Jupiter Child
OXUM is a new multimedia arts collective that functions as a manifestation of a wish to create a queer bipoc collective that focuses on exploring deep, tabooesque, ancestral and spiritual themes within artistic interdisciplinarity that expresses itself through acoustic, visual and corporeal works of art.

Jupiter Child
Interdisciplinary artist
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Sall Lam Toro
Interdisciplinary performance artist
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HAUT Pop Up Residency
Med Pop Up Residency ønsker HAUT at eksperimentere med rammerne for kunstneriske residencies. For første gang vil kunstnergrupper arbejde side om side og på den måde åbnes muligheden for, at der i disse møder kan opstå en kunstnerisk synergi.
HAUT Pop Up Residency er et residensformat, der giver kunstnere mulighed for at fordybe sig i deres kunstneriske proces ved at stille løn og materialebudget til rådighed samt facilitere interne worksharings og feedbacksamtaler med en selvvalgt sparringspartner.
Den kunstneriske undersøgelse "DIS' BODY: Poetics of Self-Aesthetics" af OXUM: Sall Lam Toro & Jupiter Child er inviteret til at være en del af HAUT Pop Up Residency af HAUTs kunstneriske leder Naja Lee Jensen.
HAUT Pop Up Residency er blevet til i et samarbejde med Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst og DIT:KBH og er støttet af Bikubenfonden.