HAUT & Warehouse9 inviterer til sommerfest
Can art propose new
Dear artists and collaborators
Warehouse9 and HAUT invite you to our Summer do!
We have once again joined forces, and welcome you to our Summer get-together at Lygten St.
Our New Year's reception in January was so fun that repeating the success would only be natural. To finish off the 22/23 season in the best way possible, we, therefore, invite both of our communities to join us for a cosy summer get-together.
It is free to participate and open to anyone who wants to join - so please invite your colleague or friend.
There will be refreshments, light snacks, and good vibes.
Sign-ups via info@warehouse9.dk - no later than the 26th of June.
Beck Heiberg er koreograf, performer og arbejder med queer- og trans politiske æstetikker. Hans egne værker er ofte baseret på bevægelse og personlige historier. Han er medlem af Dance Cooperative - en intersektionel feministisk arbejdsplads og platform for koreografer. Han arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem koreografi, performance og teater.