Can art propose new
Genre: Conversation and knowledge-sharing format
Dato: 30. august
Tid: kl. 17:00-19:00
Sted: HAUT, Lygten 39, 2400 Kbh NV
The event is free but due to limited seating signup is necessary.
You can sign up by sending an email to

Collective Reading is a new format, where HAUT invite an artist or teacher to choose a text that will be read collectively with you, in the same room. Through their facilitation of the reading, we will open up the text, play with it, and maybe be provoked to read it in a different way than we normally would.
About Sara Hamming
Sara Hamming, Performance artist and performance writer based in Copenhagen.
She has conceived a body of performances with by-products and re-cyclings in the form of other performances; sound works, poems and speeches – critical to the effects on and of this body. Currently working with Spiseøvelser / Speech rehearsals - a collection of poems and gestures about food, digestion, research and reproduction.
She also performs with the book 'LOST TITLE - a cycle of testimonies about waste', - a book she picks up again and again.
She also works as a dramaturge and do performance workshops and reading/writing workshops for youngsters and university students.
Sara Hamming website.