
af Ana Berkenhoff, Mads Brauer og Tanja Diers
Soundinstallation & performance

12. oktober kl. 19.00

Avant-Garden er en performativ og auditiv undersøgelse af stueplanter. Hvad kan planterne fortælle os? Og hvordan påvirker vi hinanden?


Avant-Garden is a performative and audiotive investigation of living room plants. What can the plants tell us? And how do we affect eachother?



Avant-Garden er en performativ og auditiv undersøgelse af stueplanter. Undersøgelsen tager udgangspunkt i påstandene: "planter taler sammen" og "planter har følelser". Vi vil skabe en have med planter fra lokale borgere.  Det kunstneriske hold vil undersøge, diagnosticere og helbrede planterne. Planter vil omvendt påtage sig rollen som performere og generere materiale og lyde, måske endda musik. Og måske vil de helbrede os. Forhåbentlig vil vi sammen med planterne til slut skabe en performativ lydhave. Dette residency/eksil er en helt særlig mulighed for os til at arbejde med to emner, der optager os meget: lyd og planter og sammen undersøge planters adfærd og indflydelse på mennesker og omvendt.


Avant-Garden is a performative and audiotive investigation of living room plants. The investigation will take departure at the statements: “plants talk to each other” and “plants have feelings”. We will build a garden with plants collected from the local public. The artistic team will act as translators of the messages from the plants in various ways. We’ll examine, diagnose and heal the plants. The plants on the other hand will take on the position as performers. They'll generate material and sounds, maybe even music. And maybe they'll heal us. Hopefully in the end we’ll form a performative sound garden together with the plants.

We will search for living room plants in Copenhagen that need to be nurtured or have an urge to be performers. This collection of plants will form a small archive of plants and plant owners. This residency is a very special opportunity for the three of us to work together with two common fields of interest: sound and plants and together do research on the behaviour and impact plant have on humans and vice versa.

Avant-Garden er en del af eksilet Verden er Vores.

CREDITS: Ana Berkenhoff - performer/musician (DE/UK), Mads Brauer - composer/musician (DK) og Tanja Diers - dramaturg/creative producer (DK)
Verden er Vores er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.