AN HOUR WITH Sall Lam Toro


Genre: Conversation that immerses the audience in an artist’s practice

Date: 27th March
Time: 10:00-11:00AM
Place: Mødelokale 3.1
Thoravej 29,
2400 Copenhagen NV

The event is free, but please reserve your spot so we know how much coffee to brew. You can book your spot right here:

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Start the day with art and gain insight into knowledge that is usually only available to people who are part of the work process. Over coffee and croissants antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist Sall Lam Toro will give you an insight into their artistic practice. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively. 


About the artist

Sall Lam Toro (they/them) is an antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist based in Copenhagen. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively. Through ritual, glitches, failure, dialogues with ecoerotic companions, text, resonance and e-motion, Toro develops poetic multitudes of body and radical imagination within anticapitalist, anarchist, and collective modes of liberation. 


An hour of informal conversation, which provides space for short or intense immersion in an artistry or an artistic practice. It is an opportunity to meet artists in an informal setting and gain insight into knowledge that is usually only available to the people who are part of the work process.

This event is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Bikuben Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen.