HAUT offers open calls for various residency opportunities. With the current open call for an IN PROCESS residency we make space for physical brainstorms supporting the investigation and the development of new ideas for the stage. IN PROCESS is for artists of all ages and from all genres, wishing to test an idea or a collaboration.

HAUT tilbyder løbende open calls for forskellige residency muligheder. Med det aktuelle open call til et IN PROCESS residency skaber vi rum for fysiske brainstorms, der understøtter undersøgelsen og udviklingen af nye scenekunstneriske ideer. IN PROCESS er for kunstnere i alle aldre og fra alle genrer, som ønsker at afprøve en ide eller et samarbejde.


An investigation of crossings and new connections.

With this open call, HAUT, in collaboration with Anika Barkan, invites professional performing artists to explore and experiment with transitions and bridge-building as part of their artistic practice.

The residency offers an opportunity for dynamic exchange with other fields - not necessarily experts, but individuals with entirely different knowledge and perspectives.

Application deadline is 20th March at 13:00. 

Read more and download the full open call below.

[unex_ce_button id="content_h0bsq63cc,column_content_y45iybvf8" button_text_color="#14b88f" button_font="custom_one" button_font_size="24px" button_width="content_width" button_alignment="center" button_text_spacing="0px" button_bg_color="#ffffff" button_padding="25px 25px 25px 25px" button_border_width="2px" button_border_color="#14b88f" button_border_radius="1px" button_text_hover_color="#ffffff" button_text_spacing_hover="0px" button_bg_hover_color="#14b88f" button_border_hover_color="transparant" button_link="" button_link_type="url" button_link_target="_blank" has_container="" in_column="1"]DOWNLOAD IN ENGLISH[/ce_button]

En undersøgelse af overgange og nye forbindelser.

Med dette open call ønsker HAUT i samarbejde med Anika Barkan at invitere professionelle scenekunstnere til at undersøge og eksperimentere med overgange og med at bygge bro, som en del af deres kunstneriske praksis.

Residenciet er en mulighed for at gå i dynamisk ping pong med andre fagligheder – ikke nødvendigvis eksperter, men nogen med en helt anden viden end en selv. 

Ansøgningsfrist d. 20. Marts kl. 13:00

Læs mere og download det fulde open call nedenfor.

[unex_ce_button id="content_h0bsq63cc,column_content_doinyl2d8" button_text_color="#14b88f" button_font="custom_one" button_font_size="24px" button_width="content_width" button_alignment="center" button_text_spacing="0px" button_bg_color="#ffffff" button_padding="25px 25px 25px 25px" button_border_width="2px" button_border_color="#14b88f" button_border_radius="1px" button_text_hover_color="#ffffff" button_text_spacing_hover="0px" button_bg_hover_color="#14b88f" button_border_hover_color="TRANSPARANT" button_link="" button_link_type="url" button_link_target="_blank" has_container="" in_column="1"]DOWNLOAD PÅ DANSK[/ce_button]