Infinite Study
Studying thought as rhythm and rhythm as thought.
Format: Open Studio
Genre: Dance music text
Date: 17th January
Time: 18:00-19:00
Place: Studio 0.1
Thoravej 29,
2400 København NV
Unfortunately the OPEN STUDIO has been cancelled
The artistic research
During a 3 weeks IN DEPTH residency at HAUT Alma Söderberg will immerse herself into writing texts and composing musical structures. Normally she is very dedicated to writing and composing while performing or practicing performance, but in this case she wants to take some time for practicing the things separate from each other – the writing/thinking and the music/thinking. She has a wish to devote more time to both things, to go deeper into the act of writing, patiently as well as the act of composing music. The research and study taking place during this residency will lay as a ground for the continuation of the work on the performance Infinétude which Söderberg will later develop during 2025.
About the artists
Alma Söderberg is a choreographer and performer that works with music and dance. She uses her voice and body to play space as if it was an instrument. Her ongoing research deals with how we listen as we look; the relation between the ear and the eye. Learn morea bout Söderberg at
Writing and thinking collaborators: Igor Dobricic and Jarí Malta
IN DEPTH is HAUT’s 3-4 weeks residency that gives experienced performing artists the opportunity to research, investigate and rethink their artistic practice. During the residency the artists can enter into dialogues with sparring partners of their choosing, which can contribute to their artistic research.
The residency is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Bikuben Foundation and The Municipality of Copenhagen.
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Thoravej 29
2400 København NV