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A collaborative ongoing research on the performativity of collective rage in the public space 


Genre: Multidisciplinary performance research

Date: May 16th 2024
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Place: workspacebrussels, 
Kaaistudios – 

Participation in the event is FREE, but please reserve your spot as seats are limited – send an email to to book your seat.

Cinematography by Keria Shishay

The artistic research

"Body Tongues:Techno_Rage" unfolds several trajectories on developing participatory performative protocols on the theme of collective rage in the public space through experimental somatic rage_choirs and rage_raving. Within the residency space, they seek to compose live sound sampling with an array of different sounds and choir formation by activating audiences in participatory roles. 

They also wish to craft somatic based practices that activate audiences to move while multisensory bodily zones stimulated by a mapping of corporeal rage facilitates collective choreographies of rage. The idea is that the audience moves to the sound of their own raging in a rave setting. 

Rage has the political potential to bridge communities into movements of solidarity and care anchored in liberation and deep desire. 

Photographer: Mariana Machado

The artists

The group has been collaborating in different occasions over a year within the multimedia installation performance Obsidian Dream Love Letters (2023) and the live performance piece Obsidiana, Erotica, Estranha e Ultravioleta (2024) developing convergent and non-convergent visual, embodied and experimental languages.

Sall Lam Toro

Sall Lam Toro (they/them) is an antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist based in Copenhagen. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively. Through ritual, glitches, failure, dialogues with ecoerotic companions, text, resonance and e-motion, Toro develops poetic multitudes of body and radical imagination within anticapitalist, anarchist, and collective modes of liberation. 
Sall's website 


suziethecockroach (Aasa Silva) is a Brazilian born/Copenhagen based artist who works at the intersection of writing, music, and movement. As a writer and performer, she is interested in circularity and re-turnings. As a DJ, she is known for her fun & energetic sets at prominent clubs and music festivals in Denmark and beyond. Her sound consists of a blend of ultra-percussive beats, erotic club music, and fast paced rhythms the global south.

Keiria Shishay

Keiria Shishay (1999) is a film director and works in the intersection between documentary and fiction. Her work is built through close collaborations across different artistic disciplines. By incorporating knowledge and skills from the wider arts field, Shishay expands the visual experience and lets it stretch across e.g. music, dance/performance and architecture. By experimenting with live-performances, movement and by setting up alternative screenings, Shishay investigates and challenges the media of film and its possibilities in her practice. 

Warren Jones

Warren Jones, is a multimedia, international artist, one half of Prison Religion and founder of the Black Ether collective.


In the work with this project Fazle Shairmohamed.

About this residency

IN CONNECTION is HAUT’s residency format that gives Danish performing artists the opportunity of a residency with one of HAUT’s international partners. The format is shaped in response to the artist’s and the project’s needs. The residency is aimed at Denmark-based artists interested in working internationally and for international artists interested in working in Denmark.

Danish-based artists Sall Lam Toro, suziethecockroach and Keiria Shishay invited into a two week IN CONNECTION residency at workspacebrussels in Brussels with the artistic project "BODY TONGUES: TECHNO_RAGE". This opportunity blossomed out of HAUT's long term collaboration with workspacebrussels – laboratory for research, experiment & creation in the performing arts. The two organisations also provide the brussels-based artist Stanley Ollivier and his collaborator Mamadou Wague two weeks of residency at HAUT this spring to work on their artistic project "Spine Of Desire: Wounds without tears, out of one skin in diamonds and shit".

This residency is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Bikuben Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen.