CONVERSATIONS ON: Decentering Dansk
Shifting the focus away from the dominance of traditional Danish language and culture
Format: Knowledge-sharing
Genre: Conversation
Dato: February 19th
Time: 16:00-18:00
Place: Thoravej 29,
2400 Kbh NV
Participation in the event is FREE, but please reserve your spot as seats are limited – you can book a ticket right here:

This conversation on Decentering dansk is initated by the artist Jupiter Child as part of their residency at HAUT.
Language is the focal point of this conversation. The titel "Decentering dansk" refers to shifting the focus away from the dominance of traditional Danish language and culture as the central norm, especially in contexts like migration and integration. It involves embracing diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives, questioning the idea of a singular "correct" way to speak or be Danish, and making space for voices and experiences that challenge the traditional narrative.
For this conversation Helena Seiketso Ulrik brings a wealth of experience in language and communication. With her background in teaching English, Danish, Communication, and Philosophy, and her work as an author, Helena offers valuable perspectives on the themes of migration, language and identity. Her academic and practical insights will enrich our exploration of these topics.
About Helena Seiketso Ulrik
Helena holds an MA in English and Communication as well as a BA in Philosophy and Communication from Roskilde University.
She has taught English, Danish, Communication, Philosophy, and History of Ideas at various institutions. Currently, she teaches Danish and English at a vocational school.
In addition to teaching, Helena is an author and published her first book in June 2024
Conversations On is a conversation and knowledge-sharing format created to make us wiser and add important discourse to the agenda. It is a space that opens up the conversation about the performing arts and artistic development bringing new perspectives into play.
This specific conversation is initiated by performing artist Jupiter Child as part of their 4 weeks IN DEPTH residency.